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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My thoughts for the day - Michigan Child Photographer

a worth while read here

the link is from a fellow photog...

Even though I shouldn't be, I am still amazed at the way people balk at professional photography prices, about the cost of prints, the session fee...all of it. I try not to get upset when people give me a hard time about prices, or compare my prices to others. But darn it, it does upset me. Not only do I feel like they are saying I am not worth it (though I know I am and then some) but that my work is not worth it (though I know it is and yes again..then some). It really is insulting. I know money is tight for everyone right now. But I have found that people don't hesitate to spend a fortune on getting their hair done, their nails done, going out to eat, buying clothes, tanning..all things that fade or go out of style. Why would you balk at something that will last a lifetime? Professional photography, professional prints stand the test of time. They capture a moment in time, hold on to those memories. It's something future generations can enjoy and appreciate. They aren't going to care if your hair was colored, if your nails were perfectly manicured, what clothes you wore or where you went out to eat. They are going love and cherish those portraits! Now this is leaving OUT the cost of owning your own business, the cost of equipment, the cost of marketing, the cost of props, the cost of studio space if one has one. Not to mention the time. We don't just meet, snap the shots and call it a day. There is time away from our family, our friends, or even just some time alone to relax. Professional photographers don't just stop at snapping that shutter! It doesn't even start there. There is consultation, thought and planning your session so that it is as perfect as can be for you. Then after your session comes even more work. There is editing, more communication with the client, designing cards or albums. We love it or we wouldn't do it, but that is beside the point. Our time is just a precious as it is to the client. That's why we work so hard, because time is so important and we want to make the clients times is well spent with us. I really have only touched on all the work that goes into professional photography.

Points to be taken from this? If you find a photographer whose work you LOVE and they are out of your price range. SAVE for it! Start a little photography fund. Ask yourself...if money was a non issue, would you want this photographer to be the one to capture your memories? If you can answer "yes"...then save for it! Don't tell a photographer that they are to expensive, don't compare them to others, don't say..."well, I can get my prints done here for this $, why can't you do that?" Don't tell a photographer "wow, your camera takes really great pictures" trust is NOT the camera! I have seen people with $5000 cameras and their pictures are far from professional. I have seen pictures from a $300 camera with a pro behind and the images ROCKED!! It is the artist, the photographer, the SOUL behind that camera. You wouldn't tell a chef, "that food is SO must have really nice pans" or tell a hair stylist " your haircuts are the bomb..your shears must be awesome" Right?

I know I may sound like I am ranting a little...well, because I am ranting! I am not just ranting for for myself and other photographers out there feeling this frustration, but for the client as well. If a client is going to just "price shop" then they are not going to get what they want. They aren't going to have that perfect treasured moment that will be around for years to come and for future generations to love! I love what I do...I can not imagine doing anything else than capturing beautiful images! I want all my clients to have the best. We charge what we charge because we ARE worth it!!!

I don't mean to sound harsh, I am just being honest and speaking the truth. Plain and simple...and sometimes the truth can be harsh.

I will end my rant now and close with this. If you are a client looking for beautiful images, look at a photographers work, not just their prices. In the get what you pay for.

Kristen Marie

taking a cue from Andre and her example, I thought I'd show my own. Take a simple grassy little knoll, (my 6 yr old actually snapped the grass shot with my really nice camera) add an adorable subject, set your camera to the right settings, get the angle, crop and lighting just right and have a beautiful professional portrait.


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